Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Card Number 5

I just received a great note from a fellow trooper...

I was going through some old boxes yesterday and I found my son's first wallet which he lost about a year or so ago. It's a vinyl Darth Vader wallet I got for him at CIV. Inside was a single dollar bill and a single 501st trading card with a trooper holding a paper ewok target. :wink:
Happy New Year

The trading card referenced is my own 501st rookie card. My armor and blaster have changed and I'm not producing the Ewok shooting targets anymore, but I've still got plenty of cards available for free...there were 2,500 of them produced, so just e-mail me. Just don't put them on e-bay; they're meant to put smiles on faces, not profit in pockets.

1 comment:

James said...

I love Star Wars! stayed in line for over two hours to see the first show